
Social-Science Commentary on the Book of Revelation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Social-Science Commentary series presents a pioneering alternative commentary genre that offers a contextual approach to the study of the New Testament, thoroughly grounded in the original audience’s first-century cultural setting. The author of Revelation presents himself as John, the astral seer, who professes faith in the resurrected Jesus and who belonged to the house of Israel. John...

city of humankind, Babel (inserts 2 and 3, 12:1–20:10), might take place at any time and any place in the eastern Mediterranean, since these visions explain the major events of the past that account for social conditions as the prophet experienced them. On the other hand, it seems certain that the final composition of the work in its present form took place some time after the destruction of Jerusalem among persons who saw no signs of rebuilding. The main reason for this: “For all persons in the
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